Saturday, 22 October 2016

Black and white thing

Here come's the 'black and white' thing.
Well,it would be more appropriate if I say 'black OR white'.
These three words has murdered so many dreams,one can't even imagine of. Just these three words. Unbelievable,but still it has got that power! The power to supress those people whom the society call's 'weak' but one can also call them 'sentimental'. These words has got the power of demons, which you can't really see but it tears you bad!
Just a simple question pops in my mind 'how does it actually matters whether you are black or white'. What does the skin colour has got to define you?
Then why is it still mentioned at times. Why you still get to hear things on your skin colour behind your back. Actually sometimes its straight to the face.
Tell me what does the skin colour defines?
Your personality? Your character? Your innerself ? Your dreams? Does it defines anything?
Well, I don't feel so! Whether you are black or white you are still the same person inside. Your skin colour doesn't defines any god damn thing.
 Oh wait. I'm mistaken,the skin colour thing actually defines one thing. It defines the narrow mentality of those who talk about the 'black and white' matter behind your back or straight to your face. It shows how disgusting some people still are.
 Other than this it defines nothing. Even if you are black you are just as beautiful as the white one. You are all beautiful in your own ways. Colour doesn't defines beauty. Because beauty of a person is seeen in their behaviour,their love. The way they carry themselves,it is heard in their voice. It is felt in their precious presence,and last but not the least. Beauty of a person lies within his soul. Not in the colour his skin got.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

The darkness within

Lets say it this way..
  There is darkness inside me,somewhere. Demons from the past? They lay still! Demons from the memories,they wake me up still! Wounded, frustrated, quiet but not quite silenced!
Intend to hear them as they crawl in some movement. They are quiet at times,but never silenced. Hear them roar,hear them crawl! The demons, that lay still. And sometimes these demons attacks you from inside. And you seems to be the evil outside!
They say once a evil always a evil.
But I say, If somtimes I sin like the evil then at times I will love like the angels do.
 For the devil,was once an angel too ❤

"Just Stay Positive"; Genuine Optimism or Toxic Positivity?

  How often do you get to hear someone say "just stay positive" "be happy" and bla bla bla. Quite often right? Well, tha...