Saturday, 11 August 2018


It's like our lives are past and future, someway or the other we are always dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Where's our present then?
We are all trying to make our future better, but how often do we try to make the present worthy?

We are all living in cages, with the door wide open. All we need to do is walk out of it, atleast take a step everyday. Live in the present, it's a thin line just walk on it. Walk on it with grace, live for the little things that lies in your way. Walk a mile with someone you feel free, share a coffee, share a moment, make things beautiful or accept it the way it is. For this is what it seems to be alive.


"Just Stay Positive"; Genuine Optimism or Toxic Positivity?

  How often do you get to hear someone say "just stay positive" "be happy" and bla bla bla. Quite often right? Well, tha...