Monday 30 November 2020


I find myself drawn to the abiding summer breeze,

Caressing my body, like a flower

blooming out in the wilds.

Oh, the sweet smell 

of these summer nights,

awakens my mind and soul,

to the alluring delights.

And as the night passes by,

with winds gusting through my tangled soul, 

you will find me again somewhere, 

seeking the balmy breeze.

                             -summer breeze! 

Sunday 9 August 2020

Won't you come out ?


We shall take a walk,
down the road and
wander around,
see the lights falling out
cause these cities ain't 
no sleeping anymore,
Baby, won't you come out ?
I will be waiting by the shore.

We could dance and roam,
maybe seal this night 
as our own, and kill
a little time, swaying around
watch the night fall out,
and let our woes sink in.
So, won't you come around ?
And paint the town red 
For you can sleep,
again, when you're dead !

P.S Got a poetry prompt from the song "where the lonely ones roam"

Friday 24 July 2020


You walk through the lane,
silently sliding the pain away
sighing, in disbelief of the lies,
that comes running your way.
I know, it feels heavy in the,
heart to carry it all along;
seeking for answers,
you might never come across.
Trying to look up, for the
bright side, amidst these
hazy dark clouds hovering above
pulling you, towards the feeling
of loss.

You put on a smile, so deep
leaving behind every scar you had,
owning up to the world's wrath
and walking through the adrous path
I know, it feels heavy in the heart
to keep going this way
For the scars, hiding beneath
your unfolded sleeves, they stay.

Oh dear, it's a war 
everyday, that you fight
hiding in the lap of moonlight,
waiting for the next day to show
where the pain, residing in your
hearts, somehow seems a little low
And then you realize, that it's okay
when on some nights, you dance
with tears in your eyes!

Tuesday 28 January 2020


I hope!

This is your life. You get to choose who you want to be, and what you want to learn. But I hope you learn how to be proud of the person you're becoming; and of where you are at this moment or what you've achieved so far- big or small. I hope you find the courage to chase what sets your soul on fire, and be happy on your own terms even if it isn't what others might approve of. 

I hope you learn to love yourself just the way you hope others did, and I hope, that love brings out the best in you and in whatever you do. I hope you find moments that make you feel alive, and teach you to truly live life. I hope you find people who sees the best version of you with all your flaws ahead and still decides to stick by. I hope you learn not to hold back and to let go of the things that aren't meant to. And I hope you learn to forgive yourself for what you did when you had to. 

But most of all, I hope you find your true self out there amidst the chaos of the world. There's a lot to feel out there, and I hope you feel it all. Because there's absolutely nothing more beautiful than embracing the journey you're on. It's a different feeling altogether!

"Just Stay Positive"; Genuine Optimism or Toxic Positivity?

  How often do you get to hear someone say "just stay positive" "be happy" and bla bla bla. Quite often right? Well, tha...