Monday, 26 December 2016

Memories ❤

Its been a long time, since I'm holding these memories within. There are these memories in my mind of you and me ❤ being 'us'.
 There are just these memories in my mind of you, that lay still. Wounded yet full of love in every glimpse I see.
It just takes me a second to be there from here,a roller coaster ride as it seems to be. There I see you in every glimpse and here I feel you in every breeze that crosses by. As if its truly said 'love is in the air'. Just like the breeze you gently touch my soul and pass by, recreating these memories in my mind. And BOOM, a wave of nostalgia just hits my heart.
 Everytime it feels like,this is for real and its happening right here. Alas,these are just memories in my mind.
And yet recreating the BEAT OF MY HEART ❤ that actually once belonged to you!

"Just Stay Positive"; Genuine Optimism or Toxic Positivity?

  How often do you get to hear someone say "just stay positive" "be happy" and bla bla bla. Quite often right? Well, tha...