She have seen and felt a lot. She have been at the lowest of lows, that anyone could ever have been in. She have suffered and survived as well, because no matter what comes around she had never considered folding her wings. Giving up was never a choice, neither an option to choose. Because she has always been curious to know what else life has for her, what will life reward her at the end of such an insane journey. She has been through more hell, than someone will ever know. She feels the ruthlessness, yet she desires to wear her pain like diamonds around her neck. And that's what gives beauty and edge to her wings. The wings that desires to fly, even with the feeling of not knowing where she is going. As it is only when you are hanged in mid-air with no landing in sight, you are forced to unravel your wings and that's when a flight begins. She has trained herself to go with the flow, the flow of the winds. Because that's where the beauty of flying lies. You may not know where you are going, but you know as long as you spread your wings, the winds will carry you. Its often said, difficult roads leads you to beautiful destinations. Spread your wings even when threatening clouds hover, because until you spread your wings, you will have no idea how far you can fly and how close you are to your destination despite of the difficult roads. She decided to spread her wings and soar above life's troubles. Throughout this insane journey, her wings unfold and she allows the winds to carry her. Because now she know's the higher she flies, the brighter the skies become.