Wednesday, 24 July 2019


"Falling in love is fine, but have you ever fallen in friendship" ?

I just came across these words and it struck me for real, like how love has always been so overrated and friendships may have been left underrated or atleast most of the times. I mean, yeah falling in love is like great; it's a totally different feeling. Your heart, your mind and everything else just get's into a different zone and even you start having those butterflies in your stomach or atleast that's what they say! I assume most of you must have fallen in love atleast once at some point of your life right? Or perhaps, for some of you maybe twice, thrice? 
But have you ever fallen in friendships? Or like just ever put a thought on that? Well that's the real thing, it's actually the most beautiful thing to fall for. But people are so fascinated with the idea of falling in love and the feels coming ahead of it, that they usually leave friendships unnoticed. I mean how truly beautiful and blessed friendships are, like you just know this other person is your best friend, your favourite human being,  someone who would be there through thick and thin; someone that you can always be sure of. 

Do you remember the first time you met each other; your paths crossed ? Or the time you were waiting for the end of the day to tell them just how your day was? Because you know, no matter how bad the day was you will feel better the moment they reach out to you. Remember how you waited for them to call? And they did. How they just instantly gets everything that's been running in your mind? Like from sharing the first awkward secrets, to the comfortable silences and the never ending conversations; from annoying each other to finding solace in each others words, from calling up and laughing together to calling up just to cry your heart out. They are the one's who accepts you for who you are, and helps you grow in true sense. These are people who will build the bridges for you to reach to the other side, who will come to your aid when you have a flat tire or just a stomach upset, who will help themselves in your kitchen without your permission as if it's like their home. But most of us are so obsessed with love, that we often let our friends down unknowingly. So, if you have a person who fits in these feels and who is a synonym for constant, family and loyalty then just thank them for just being there and making your life better in ways they will never know or just hug them tight enough the next time you meet. 
Also, "stop moulding your idea of romance into a soulmate because a friend can be a soulmate too. Maybe, a better one"

Sunday, 7 July 2019


JUDGEMENTS, the easy and convenient way out for people. You don't like someone? You have something against someone? Or maybe you're just jobless? Then you have something you can do, that too very effortlessly. You know what it is right? Cm'on, the easiest thing people do to kill their time or sometimes just out of their shallow personalities.  Judging! Yes, judging other people, passing on judgements. That's the most convenient thing to do, for some people. Eh, to be precise for shallow people.

Feeling strange, yet? Well don't be. I know it's sad but it's true right? Judgements are the only thing that people pass on so easily. Like it's something worth sharing. But what they don't understand is who on earth gave them even the slightest of rights to judge someone else for their doings? Like, seriously who? The question is who are you to judge the life, or the choices someone else lives by? Some people  might not be perfect, and they might actually not live to be. So who are you to judge anyway? Also, before pointing fingers on others do they even make sure that their hands are clean?
Well I'm sure, they don't. Because that's not an easy thing to do but passing judgements certainly is. Judgements and criticism, they always come from a place of fear. Those who judge they have something that they fear, they just use it as a shield.

So if you're being judged, that's fine. Let them judge you or criticize you for who they think you're are. Not everyone anyway deserves to unveil the real you. Let them misunderstand, gossip about you. Let them do it all, say whatever they want. Their opinions are not your problem to solve, or not even something to pay attention to. So no matter what never doubt the beauty of your truth, the essence of your true self. Just keep shining like you do come what may!

"Just Stay Positive"; Genuine Optimism or Toxic Positivity?

  How often do you get to hear someone say "just stay positive" "be happy" and bla bla bla. Quite often right? Well, tha...